
Sunday Worship 9:00 am 

(Except Spring and Autumn Memorial Services, which are conducted at 10:00 am)

Daily Prayers 6:00 am, 9:00 am and 7:30 pm

Spring Grand Ceremony

Saturday 4/13/24 at 5:00 pm

Autumn Grand Ceremony

Sunday 10/13/24 at 5:00 pm

Spring Memorial Service

Sunday 3/24/24 at 10 am

Autumn Memorial Service

Sunday 9/22/24 at 10 am

Daily Prayer Sessions.  Three prayers are held daily at the Konko Mission of Wahiawa.  The morning prayer is held at 6 am. The mid-morning prayer is held at 9 am.  The 9 am prayer is held in conjunction with the 4 am prayer held at the Konkokyo Headquarters in Okayama, Japan.  The evening prayer is held at 7:30 pm.  You are more than welcome to join in on our prayer sessions. 

Sunday Services/Monthly Services are held every week at 9 am.  (Please refer to the newsletters for special services that may be held on Sunday)

Getsureisai (Monthly Service) are observed 3 times a month at our church.  The monthly service for the 1st day of every month is held at 7:30 pm.  Feel free to join us for these monthly appreciation services.  See monthly newsletters for more service dates. 


Ganjitsusai/Hatsumōde (New Year’s Blessing) is held at our church on January 1st at 9 am.  The blessing is to express gratitude for the past year’s blessings and to pray for divine guidance and protection for the New Year.

Baby’s 1st Blessing.  The Birth of a child is a priceless miracle in every aspect.  Every human being that came into this world was born out of a probability of 1 in 70,000,000,000,000 possible combinations.  With this great blessing, it is essential to give deep gratitude to Kami-Sama and pray for continuous health, happiness and blessings for years to come. 


Yakudoshi (Blessings at significant ages). In Konkokyo, we do not believe in calamities associated with Yakudoshi.  Instead, we believe that one will be of more help to other upon their Yakudoshi year.  厄年 (Yakudoshi) means year of calamity or bad luck in traditional kanji characters.  However, in Konkokyo, we write it as 役年 (Yakudoshi) meaning a year we will be of extra help to others.  Let’s pray for a year with positive expectations.  Yakudoshi is celebrated at the ages of 25, 42, and 61 for men and 19, 33, and 37 for women.


Hokyo Ceremony.  In Konkokyo, our mission is not to convert people; but to have people be truly saved.  If you feel you have received countless divine blessings through following the Konko way and would like to further advance your faith by fully immersing yourself into the faith, you are welcome to be a Hokyo, which is a minister’s assistant.  You will be able to help with preparations for services and be an essential part of our church.  Your primary vision will be to help guide others in distress to the church to receive divine blessings in the same way you have received divine blessings.  Your name will be registered to the Konkokyo Headquarters in Okayama, Japan. 


Wedding Ceremonies.  Plan your wedding with the Konko Mission of Wahiawa, where we will keep you in our prayers for a lifetime.  Marriage is the joining of two individuals.  Let Kami-Sama bless this special union.  Same sex couples and civil unions are also welcome.


Car Blessing (New/Pre-owned).  Did you just get a new or pre-owned car?  Being able to drive and owning a car a great divine blessings.  Let’s give thanks to Kami-Sama.  Let’s further pray for the safety and divine protection of the car, the driver, other occupants and other motorists with this new/pre-owned. Have your car blessed.


Pet Blessing.  A pet is an important member of the family.  Pets offer much comfort, love and even protection.  Let’s give thanks to them for this.  Whether they may be healthy or sick, your thoughtfulness in holding a blessing just for them will be felt by your pet.

Prayer for Illness/ Bedside Prayers/Prayers at the moment of passing.  Please do not hesitate to contact us for special prayers for illnesses or bedside prayers.  Our life, our health is beyond our control.  We must seek the blessings and guidance of our deity, Tenchi Kane No Kami-Sama for all these things.  We must receive blessings at every moment of our lives.  Allow us offer a prayer for peace of mind as you experience these moments of uncertainty.


Jichinsai (Groundbreaking Ceremony) for a home, office, and buildings (on site or at our church) is held to bless and purify the ground, owner’s family, business owners, contractors and their equipment, and other affiliated people.  In Konkokyo we do not believe in the exorcism of a place.  Instead, we seek permission from the deity to allow us to use the land we plan to build on.  


Other Occasions to visit our church are: prayers and blessings for good health of individuals or family members, prosperity, business success, recovery from illness, safe birth, safe travel, success in academic studies, meeting the right companion, family harmony, success in sports or exams, memorial services, funerals, etc.